Noah's Ark
Kids learn about God's Creation!
Kids learn about God's Creation!
We learn about God's Creation here at Noah's Ark. Through our studying of the Word of God, and of nature and the sciences, we learn a lot about the world around us. Here are a few pictures of the rooms for you to enjoy.
Wise Whales classroom (4 pics above), 3.5-5 years old as there is space (must be potty trained)
Gentle Giraffes classroom (4 pics above), 2-3.5 years old
Preschool bathrooms (2 pics above)
Infant nap room (2 pics above), 3 months - 24 months
Infant awake room (2 pics above): Left- immobile babies, Right- mobile babies (3 m - 24 months)
Infant awake room (2 pics above), 3 months - 24 months